Installation and Wiring1The Acumen SCOOTER consists of the following maincomponents;• SCOOTER main unit ECU (Electronic Control Unit)• SCOOTER wiring
Installation and WiringConnect the system wires asfollows:A larger version of the wiring diagramcan be found on the back page.The RREEDDwire is the al
Optional WiringAAccuummeenn rreeccoommmmeennddss tthhaatt tthhee ffoolllloowwiinngg wwiirreess aarree ccoonnnneecctteedd ttoo ggeett ffuulll
Operation4TThhee vviissuuaall iinnddiiccaattiioonnss aarree bbaasseedd oonn tthhee aassssuummppttiioonn tthhaatt tthhee PPiinnkkwwiirree ((
New Key Fob/Lost Key Fobs5IIff yyoouu ccaann ddiissaarrmm tthhee ssyysstteemm -- iiee;; yyoouu hhaavvee aawwoorrkkiinngg ffoobb aanndd
6Troubleshooting11.. TThhee aallaarrmm wwiillll nnoott rreeaacctt ttoo tthhee ffoobba. Check the fob batteries (type CR2016).b. Place the fob a
Wiring Diagram
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